What is a Supported Internship?

Supported internships are a type of study programme that helps young people aged between 16 and 24 with an Education Health & Care Plan to get a job. The young person will be enrolled with an education provider, but what makes the supported internship different is that young people do most of their learning at work, ‘on the job’ within a host employer who has potential future employment opportunities for the young person.

Why do a Supported Internship?

A supported internship could be the right choice if you learn best by ‘doing’ (known as a ‘place and train’ approach) and where you need more time or support than would be available through a traineeship or apprenticeship.

You and the host employer will get the help they need to learn from a job coach (generally from the education provider), who will support you until you both feel confident that you can do the job by youself.


The supported internship will last at least six months and you won’t get paid, but you should feel ready to move into a paid job at the end because of the skills and experience they have gained. All supported internships should be personalised to the needs of the young person, and flexible so that they meet the needs of the young person and the host employer. 

The most important requirement for a supported internship is that you want to work. There are no qualification requirements to do a supported internship although previous work experience would be beneficial. Commitment, motivation and enthusiasm to work are the most important things.

If you don’t have a grade C or 4 at GCSE or a Level 2 Functional Skills in English and / or maths, you will continue studying English and maths at a suitable and stretching level while you do your supported internship. You may also study for other qualifications that will help you move into work.  

Find out more

Most Further Education providers run their own Supported Internship programmes, so please speak to your current education provider for more information. Alternatively, you can contact your EHC Co-ordinator at the Integrated Children’s Disability Service, Nottinghamshire County Council.  Email: [email protected]